
In 2020, Matrix commissioned a futures study on the Technology and High Technology Skills and Workforce needs Northern Ireland might face in the decade to 2035. This new report offers a refresh of this originally unpublished study and takes account changes to the NI economy post COVID as well as DfE’s current skills strategy.

Northern Ireland boasts one of Europe’s youngest populations with over 50% of the population under 40, high levels of graduate-led start-ups and a third of 16-64 year olds attaining
university education. This foresight report provides insight into how Northern Ireland could leverage these strengths and address the persistent challenges of economic activity, inclusivity and place-based inequalities.

By examining potential scenarios the report reveals varying impacts, from exacerbating inclusivity issues to propelling Northern Ireland forward, bolstering economic output and international engagement. Across sectors and scenarios, the report identifies consistent skills needs: adaptability, AI and machine learning proficiency, collaborative working, critical thinking/problem solving, data analytics, and effective communication. These must be complemented by ongoing development in ethical practices, cyber-security skills, and quality assurance, ensuring a robust current and future workforce.