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TechFoundHer is hosting the AI Roadshow – a mini-summit which is all about connecting and getting inspired about the power of AI and women tech trailblazers!. There’s an AI Revolution underway and we need to make sure women are leading as founders, innovators and thinkers.

The TechFoundHer AI Roadshow includes a one off screening of LA produced award winning movie SHOW HER THE MONEY and a panel discussion with producer Catherine Gray and investor Wendy Ryan over from the USA for the event. This is your chance to connect with women investors commited to supporting women and other diversity founders.

TechFoundHer is on a mission to enable more women to start and lead tech companies. It’s time to become part of the AI revolution. It’s time to invest in women.

Key Takeaways:

· Busting Tech Myths. Tech has no gender. Let’s bust myths and obstacles and learn practical ’how- to’ takeaways on unlocking the potential of AI tech for product innovation.

· Meet the AI Revolutionaries – women leading the way and harnessing the power of AI to create a new and better world. Panel discussion.

· Show Her The Money – let’s demystify venture capital and explore together how we change the status quo. Women entrepreneurs are receiving less than 2% of venture capital funding and this needs to change.

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