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The Power of Applied Intelligence – This series of webinars is designed to provide no nonsense, practical and pragmatic advice to Business Leaders, to improve their understanding of artificial intelligence, demonstrate where the growth markets exist, where investment is taking place, the sectors of interest and the applications which are delivering bottom-line return on investment.

The fourth webinar entitled: Funding Your AI Ambition investigates the various funding mechanisms available to business leaders and entrepreneurs to reduce the cost of bringing a AI powered innovation to the market. Our speakers will cover Irish state supports, European schemes and discuss those provided from venture capitalist to provide seed investment.

For more information visit: https://www.ictskillnet.ie/training/skillsscale-webinar-series/

After registration please use the calendar options provided to save the event in your diary

*Do you have a question you would like to ask the panel?
Please send your questions to gillian.ogrady@ictskillnet.ie and they will be compiled for the panellists.

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