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The seventh edition of our flagship public services conference, Building the Smarter State, will take place on 22 September.

For the last six years the conference has successfully attracted digital leaders from across the breadth of public and the private sectors to showcase how technology is shaping today’s and tomorrow’s public services – helping to build a smarter state.

It’s now ten years since the launch of the report that led to the founding of the Government Digital Service. The decade since has witnessed both significant disruption and progression in public sector transformation. As well as the establishing of GDS, we’ve had the introduction of the Cloud First policy, the creation of the Digital Marketplace, the launch of the Local Digital Declaration and a new Local Digital Collaboration Unit, a renewed emphasis on user centricity and the disaggregation of large IT and technology contracts. All of which helped propel the UK to the top spot in the UN’s E-Government Rankings in 2016.

Alongside past pressures and the legacy of COVID-19, 2021 has seen changes to public procurement, key leaders in the heart of Government brought in to supercharge digitization, and efforts to address the legacy estate, harness data and develop capability across the public sector.

It feels like the UK is on the cusp of the next big leap forward in digital Government, and it is crucial we get the first steps on that journey right. At this year’s conference senior leaders from the public sector and the civil service will explore the key issues and technologies that will usher in the next decade of public service transformation.

Event Information

Date: 22 September

Location: Online

Timing: 10:00 – 17:00 (please note timings may change slightly as the agenda is finalised)


techUK member rate (standard) – £80+VAT

techUK member rate (SME) – £30+VAT

Non-member rate – £200+VAT

Public Sector – this event is free to attend for public sector delegates, if you have any issues registering please contact events@techUK.org.

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