
Mobile Action Plan for Northern Ireland

The Department for the Economy has published MAP NI which identifies the main restrictions to the roll-out of mobile technologies and provides solutions to overcome these barriers.

Digital infrastructure

Modern society demands reliable and fast communication networks to not only drive economic activity but also to help people stay in touch with friends and family and enjoy their leisure time. Affordable, secure digital infrastructure is therefore essential to both individuals and businesses alike.

Collaborative working

Due to our unique circumstances in Northern Ireland, no single department has overall responsibility for mobile/digital roll-out; although, led by DfE Telecoms, numerous government bodies (both central and local) and other key stakeholders have played key roles in the development of the Mobile Action Plan for Northern Ireland and will again as the actions identified are implemented.

For the first time in Northern Ireland, MAP NI provides a platform for central and local government to work together with the mobile industry and the regulator. It will help to create the right conditions for improved mobile coverage and support investment to realise Northern Ireland’s digital ambitions.