
Longer Duration Energy Storage

The UK’s energy system relies on the storage of fossil fuels to manage variations in supply and demand over varying timescales. As these are replaced
to meet the net zero emissions target, new types of longer duration energy storage will be needed to provide secure energy supplies.

There is a range of different energy storage technologies in development, which includes flow batteries, mechanical devices (such as pumped hydro, liquid air and compressed air), thermal storage and hydrogen.

Longer duration storage can support a future energy system with high proportions of renewable energy by providing flexible energy supply and demand, and increasing the resilience of energy networks.

Increasing amounts of energy storage will be needed, but to deploy the technologies at scale will likely require further innovation, demonstration,
better business cases, investment and government support. Deployment will also depend on ongoing developments in energy markets and a better understanding and communication of the risks.

The Government will implement a policy on longer duration energy storage by 2024.