SBRI Projects


The Challenge: to deliver sustainable utilisation of livestock slurry.


The Challenge: to develop automated, real time monitoring tools to improve soil management for the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute.


The Challenge: to develop intelligent crowd sourcing of questions for post primary examination and assessment.

Department for Infrastructure

The Challenge: to use emerging technologies to undertake remote monitoring of flood defence conditions.

NI Water

The Challenge: to identify and develop innovative solutions for optimising the renewable energy locked within wastewater assets.

Education Authority

The Challenge: to use multiagency data to improve support and outcomes for children with special educational needs.

NI Water

The Challenge: to optimise water and waste water treatment processes through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Dept for the Economy

The Challenge: to develop interactive technology to enhance the delivery of careers advice and guidance to young people with ASD.

Education Authority

The Challenge: innovative solutions to enable delivery of safer and more efficient home-to-school transport in Northern Ireland.

Dept of Agriculture

The Challenge: to improve the frequency and accuracy of data on animal location and movement at a small area level in Northern Ireland.

Dept of Health

The Challenge: to develop technology enabled solutions addressing early identification and intervention for the prodromal or pre-psychotic phase of schizophrenia.

Dept for Infrastructure

The Challenge: to develop a predictive analysis tool for highway maintenance to help prevent the formation of potholes.

NI Water

The Challenge: to develop innovative solutions for the transportation of hydrogen in Northern Ireland.

Dept of Health

The Challenge: to source new innovative technology solutions to address optimising provision of speech and language therapy to meet NICE guidelines following a stroke.

NI Housing Executive

The Challenge: to use intelligent systems for affordable de-carbonisation of homes.

Dept of Health

The Challenge: to improve the understanding of pain and its management among people living in Northern Ireland.

NI Water

The Challenge: to Identify opportunities to use energy storage technologies within NI Water to reduce use and cost and improve resilience.

Forensic Science NI

The Challenge: to find ways to rapidly visualise and identify bodily fluids on a range of substrates within a forensic science environment.

Dept for the Economy

The Challenge: to investigate technology that will assist in measuring achievement and drive coherent policy development and delivery.

Education Authority

The Challenge: to find a way of quantifying the carbon emissions produced by this network of buildings and vehicles.

Latest Funding Competitions

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