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In June 2021, the Prime Minister announced the creation of a new National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), to “provide strategic direction on the use of science and technology as the tools to tackle great societal challenges, level up across the country and boost prosperity around the world.” He also announced the creation of a new Office for Science and Technology Strategy (OSTS), to be based in the Cabinet Office, which would “drive forward the strategy of Whitehall’s science and technology priorities from the centre”. The OSTS would be headed up by a National Technology Adviser, and Sir Patrick Vallance was appointed as the first person in that role.

In this event, FST will discuss early progress in setting up the NSTC and OSTS, and their emerging priorities. They will also examine how these bodies will work with other structures within the UK’s science, technology and innovation ecosystem, including UKRI and the Government Office for Science, and how they will engage with UK industry.

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