Learning to be an Engineer
Learning to be an Engineer presents a different way of framing the challenge of persuading more young people to continue studying STEM subjects and to consider engineering as a suitable career for them.
Essentially, the project suggests that in order to attract more young people into engineering three things need to happen in schools. We need to:
- Move away from a focus on disciplinary knowledge (subjects such as mathematics and science) and develop a better understanding of the ways engineers think and act using engineering habits of mind (EHoM)
- Describe the teaching and learning methods most suited to cultivating EHoM
- Build teacher capability through professional development to embed EHoM into their everyday teaching
The Royal Academy of Engineering’s Learning to be an Engineer research project supported teachers to embed EHoM into their everyday teaching. Here, you’ll find some of the outputs of the project: case studies, resources created by the teachers and background information about the project and its partners.